100 Guitars!
Τhe Βiggest Guitar Event ever held in Cyprus!
Larnaca Festival 2017
Cyprus Guitar Orchestra presents the biggest guitar event ever held in Cyprus!
100 GUITARS! With conductor Vangelis Boudounis and Artistic Director Antonis Koiza.
Vangelis Boudounis, after the concerts at the Athens Concert Hall and Herodion, will head the Cyprus Guitar Orchestra with 100 Guitars in a unique concert at the Larnaca Festival 2017.
Pattichion Municipal Larnaca Amphitheater, Wednesday 5 July at 9:00 pm
With the Cyprus Guitar Orchestra the soloists are involved
Giorgos and Stelios Golgaris, Maro Razis and the String Demons (Constantine and Lydia Boudouni).
The Guitar Ensemble, Acordes Guitar Ensemble,
Cyprus Guitar Trio, Rumba Attack and the Larnaca Municipal Voice of the Municipality, under the direction of Andreas Gerolemou.
Teachers and Students of the Universities, Conservatories and Music Schools of the Ministry of Education
Song: Marios Andreou, Stalo Papadopoulou.
The program is a musical tour of emblematic works of the world and Greek music.
Spanish music, Latin American melodies as well as songs by Manos Hadjidakis and Mikis Theodorakis.
Tickets are available at: www.SoldoutTickets.com.cy, at all the soeasy kiosks and at the Larnaca Municipal Theater Fund (24665795).
Ticket price € 15 & 10 (children under 12)
Information: 99430654

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