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Four rock bands with four different kind of rock music for every rock/metal lover!!

Friday at 7:30 PM - 2 AM

Diaxroniki mousiki skini
Yianni Koromia 2 Kaimakli, 1028 Nicosia, Cyprus

On Friday July 13 at Nicosia four rock/metal bands will perform live! They are four rock/metal bands but each band plays a different kind of rock.  This event includes several kinds of rock for every rock/metal lover!  It includes Rock-Alternative Rock, Heavy-Stoner Rock, Metal and Melodic/Symphonic/Atmospheric Death Metal!!

The bands are the following:

 Lightroad : Rock-Alternative Rock

Stonus : Heavy-Stoner Rock

Dark Void : Metal 

Tartarum : Melodic/Symphonic/Atmospheric Death Metal 


Doors open: 19:30

Entrance: 5 euros


For more information contact them.


It’s going to be a great Rock’n’Roll night!