

Excavations have brought to light the ruins of buildings that are the oldest ones ever found in Cyprus

Parekklisia is a village in the Limassol province which is built near ancient Amathus.

History of the Village:
There are no precise historical records of the time of the village's founding. Parekklisia seems to have been created by the inhabitants of the villages of Kellaki, Eptagoneia, Vasa Kellakiou, Sanida, who had fields in Parekklisia and descended from their villages in autumn for sowing and summer for mowing. Thus around the church of Timios Stavros they had created a small settlement.

Recent, French excavations in an area near the village have revealed ruins of buildings that according to the Cyprus Archaeological Museum are the oldest constructions ever found in Cyprus. Until then, the oldest constructions were thought to have been in Choirokoitia. 

In addition, remains of clay pipes that were used to transfer water were found to the north of the village.
Photo: Maria Kiriakou

The name of the village: 
The name of Parekklisia is probably due to either the Church of the Holy Cross (Timios Stavros) or a paraphrase of the name Palioklissos or Panoklissia, referring to Venetian maps and settlements near the present village.

Churches and Sights: 
Taking a stroll through the village you will see the church of the Holy Cross, a 12th or 13th century building. In the square of the Church of the Holy Cross there is the Community Library and a traditional Community Café. In addition to the village there is a Community Park with a playground. It is also worth visiting the old mills of the community.
Photo: Maria Kiriakou

The newest church of Parekklisia is dedicated to the Archangel Michael, built over the ruins of an old church of the 17th century.
Photo: Maria Kiriakou

Photo: Maria Kiriakou

Over the years, Parekklisia has experienced several population fluctuations. Specifically in 1881 it had 166 inhabitants and in 1891 it increased to 249. In 1901 it increased to 312, in 1911 to 379 and then decreased in 1921 to 306. In 1931 it increased to 387 and since then it has been increasing until 2011, which was 2,738 inhabitants.

Crops and Occupations:
In the past, the inhabitants of the village were involved in agriculture. Nowadays, most are involved with the Limassol tourism industry.
Photo: Andreas Fournaris‎

For the map of the area click HERE