Kolokasi of Sotera
Cypriot Food-Recipe
The plant is known in Cyprus as kolokasi and taxonomically belongs to the family Araceae (monocotyledonous plants), and the genus Colocasia. Kolokasi is rich in starch, protein and vitamins.
Kolokasi is also an important element of culture of the area element and is confirmed by the organization of traditional kolokasi festival. According to oral testimony of the Mayor of Sotera , the festival organized in the 1970s and has recently resumed on an annual basis to organize a union in the region.
In a two-day gastronomic report recently participated to promote the product with the Certificate of Designation of Origin kolokasi of Soteras. The event took place to Hague on "Hotelschool The Hague" in the Netherlands, which ranks among the top five schoolscatering and tourism in the world with 45% of students come from foreign countries.
The organization of the exhibition was an initiative of the Municipality Savior of Embassy of Cyprus in the Netherlands, IHE-Innovative Hospitality Education and
KEO with the support of the Cyprus Tourism Organisation.
Recipe of kolokasi
1 kg of pork or lamb over medium pieces
2 roots of kolokasi cut into pieces
1 cup red wine
1/2 cup water
Salt Pepper
1 bay leaf (optional)
How do we do it:
Brown the meat.
Fry the slices of kolokasi
Put both back into the pot.
Put peper and salt
Add the wine and the water and let it cooked.

Another one recipe of kolokasi