The most popular dish in Cyprus...
“Souvla” is one of the most popular dishes in Cyprus. The preparation and cooking of souvla is usually a man’s job, women have to set the table and prepare the salad.
Souvla is made of large pieces of meat (lamb, pork or chicken), passed on long skewers and cooked over a charcoal grill for 1-1,5hrs depending on the kind and size of meat.
For today we have souvla with pork meat, very tasty and easy to make.
For pork souvla we need:
. 4-5 kg of pork meat cut in large pieces (slightly bigger than a tennis ball)
. 3-4 onions cut in slices 5mm thick
. salt
. oregano
Salt each piece of meat one by one.
Pass the meat alternately with onions on the skewer. (one piece of meat – one slice of onion).
Place the skewer over high heat of the charcoal grill and let it cook for 1hr and 10 minutes approximately. Do not let meat to “dry” (over-cooked) too much. Just before removing from charcoal season with oregano.
Serve with salad, tzatziki, baked potaoes and cold beer!
“Kali oreksi”

Please follow the link below - an article posted by my colleague Bill Warry about tzatziki