12th Watermelon Festival
Frenaros village invites you to this year's favorite Watermelon - Fest!
Frenaros and Kokkinochoria in general, are famous for the delicious and sweet watermelons they produce, so this festival is being organized every year, so everyone can taste their juicy watermelons.
The Frenaros Community Council is organizing this year's 12th Pancyprian Wetermelon Festival at the Community Stadium of Frenaros, on July 13, 2018, at 8:15 pm.
During the Festival, guests will be able to try watermelon - spoon sweet, watermelon ice cream and watermelon cocktails.
With the participation of almost all the organized community groups, visitors will have the opportunity to get acquainted with traditional professions, such as the preparation of the traditional Cyprus - halloumi cheese (which is the perfect accompaniment to the watermelon) and the construction of traditional chairs.
For young children, there will be Face Paintings (based on watermelon), children's activities and playground.
It should be mentioned that the Watermelon Festival - Frenaros 2018, is also charitable, since the participating organizations have the possibility of selling food, drinks, traditional products, constructions and other products.
The event, as in previous years, will also have artistic program, with songs and music by well-known Cypriot artists.
Like every year, many surprises are expected ...

Read here how to choose the best watermelon