"Mother Teresa of Cyprus"!

"Mother Teresa of Cyprus"!

A Cypriot from Larnaka worth a thousand bravo...her reputation has reached America!

Despo Mavromichali Neocleous was born in Larnaka. She is almost 70 years old and she has spent her entire life helping vulnerable groups, such as the EV - ZO Foundation (Patient Support for Neurological and Other Diseases). Until recently, this organisation has been engaged in collecting plastic plugs and sells them for recycling, they raise money and purchase wheelchairs for disabled people.

She grew up in a family that offered her a lot love, from a young age she learned about caring and helping people. Her parents always used to help those in need. Almost every day, they used to give food to several families who did not have the money or the necessities.

Mrs. Despo from a very early age used to make sweets and gave them to kids who did not have any, she also used to help ladies who were ill and could not clean their homes. Today, she takes clothes and food to needy families not only in Larnaka but also in the whole of Cyprus. She has given out hundreds of brochures to update people about recycling and informs people about the collection of plastic plugs, and how people can take advantage of the lids for the purchase of wheelchairs. She does lectures at schools on "volunteering" and she is a part of many organisations.

Mrs. Despo studies in a private university psychology, anthropology, sociology. She used to be married and she has 4 children. Her husband unfortunately passed away 21 years ago.

Dale Vastinis, founder of the American organisation "International Hope in Action," learned about Mrs. Despo's work and sent her an entire 40-foot container, full of wheelchairs, worth $1,000,000. Mrs. Despo cried from joy for the first time!

With her actions and messages, Mrs. Despo wants to teach us that it would be very nice to not only to care for ourselves but also for other people and to try to become better people. This is her wish!

Mrs. Despo is like the "Mother Teresa of Cyprus" and she is a really good example that kind and generous people exist!!

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