How will I know if the sea is clean?

How will I know if the sea is clean?

How many times have we visited beaches and we have not enjoyed them because of the dirt they contained? How many times have we been afraid that there would be jellyfish or sea urchins? In this article we will learn the signs that prove when the sea is clean or polluted.

The 3 signs that prove that the sea is clean:

  • If it has jellyfishes or sea urchins. More spesifically, in order to survive and develop these specific marine species need clean water, otherwise they move away. In general, the biodiversity of the seas (the many and different species) is an indication that the waters are suitable for the development of marine life.
  • If it has algae. Some algae are the proof that the sea is clean. However, you should pay attention to the color and type of algae. The "posidonia" meadows that exist in the Mediterranean are an indicator of cleanliness. These algae have a dark color and a wide leaf. On the contrary, if you spot a type of algae called ulva, which looks like a lettuce leaf, you will understand that the sea is not so clean.
  • If there are sea currents. The water is constantly renewed and released from infectious or polluting agents. In addition, when it blows from the beach to the sea, garbage is carried inland.

When can it be polluted?

Sea pollution is divided into 2 categories: organic (microorganisms, bacteria, etc.) and chemical pollution (factory waste, oil, etc.). Let's observe these types of pollution through examples:

  • When it is brown. To explain, when the waters are polluted, they have a brown-yellow or brown-green color, which comes from the phytoplankton that is spread throughout the sea. Organic pollution helps the phytoplankton to grow very quickly, as it provides all the necessary nutrients. If there is oil pollution (chemical pollution), the water becomes iridescent, since the light is reflected in the spot on the sea surface.
  • When it collects a lot of "glasses" or "aurelius". This is the name of the transparent jellyfish, which appear more often in cases of organic pollution, due to the high content of nutrients. This is of course not absolute, because they may have been found in the specific area by sea currents.
  • When it smells bad. The smell is another important indication that the sea is not clean. Sometimes, of course, many non-infectious factors are responsible for the unpleasant smell, such as the smell of rotten algae. In the case that some of the other factors mentioned above coexist (bubbles or brown color), then it is better to prefer another beach to swim.
  • When garbage floats. Aluminum cans or plastic bags burden the marine environment, since they alter its aesthetics and diversify its natural characteristics.

So the next time you visit a beach, you could take into account the above tips for the best possible choice!