Interview with the owner of Poppadums Indian Tandoori Restaurant in Pafos

Soteris Zenonos

Cyprus Alive spoke with Poppadums Indian Tandoori Restaurant Manager Mr. Soteris Zenonos. Read the interview below to find out more about this great Indian restaurant in Pafos.

1. Mr. Zenonos, when was your restaurant founded?
Poppadums has been established since the 13th June 2007.

2. What does your restaurant offer?
Indian cuisine with authentic and high quality ingredients.

3. Where is the restaurant located? 
We are located in Pafos, on the coastal road Chlorakas.

4. What makes your restaurant stand out and different from others?
Our kitchen has an amazing team of Indian Chefs and this is how we rightfully gained our unique and authentic identity. Also, my continuous presence in the restaurant is supporting and inspiring my team, along with our specialised staff concerning the customer service we provide.  

5. Future plans?
There is always something kept in mind for the future in order to become better and better.

Thank you very much Mr. Zenonos and we wish you all the best, we are sure that people will enjoy your wonderful Indian creations.