When a piece of music supports the work of Alternative Psychotherapy.
For so long - Charikleia Mari Amersa
The human soul is particularly sensitive and vulnerable to all stimuli, either positively or negatively. When a person is afraid, feels insecure and does not accept himself, he tends to punish himself because he is not ready to face the truth and accept it. The key to freedom is to accept situations and accept oneself. Through psychological research we have seen that art and music function as a form of treatment and mental analgesia for people suffering from various mental illnesses, but also physical ones. (Either he is a creator or he enjoys someone else's art.) We have seen many artists to turn their emotions into various art forms in order to convey to the public their own supportive messages. When pain is turned into art it becomes softer.
Turning our attention to the new song of Charikleia Mari Amersa "FOR SO LONG" we can see the strong images of the video clip and the deep meaning of the lyrics and understand how she wants to give us her own message through this creation . She crumples her being and shows us scenes of loneliness, self-criticism, confused thoughts and reminiscing of previous experiences. Audiovisual music helps people who identify with certain lyrics or images to feel a comfort, that they are not the only ones who go through difficult times and experience difficult emotions. It is very important to have this emotional discharge and stress suppression through art.
People who resort to the art of emotional expression show a marked improvement in symptoms based on the literature. There is a lot of scientific material related to art - music as an alternative to psychotherapy and self-medication. It is very important for artists to know some important information about psychology and music in order to raise awareness and convey supportive messages to their audience. Charikleia Mari Amersa with her new song shows us that she has become aware to support in her own beautiful way all the people who find it difficult to manage difficult emotions and feel that they are lost in the darkness of their thoughts. Let us hope that other artists will follow the example of the young singer who is a perfect example of strength and effort.
On my part, as a Psychologist and Mental Health Consultant, I thank the artist who supports our work and helps people find their way to acceptance and feel better through music. No one alone..
Watch the video clip and listen to the song here: